Special offers in Bryanston

Indulge Mom in a blissful escape this Mother's Day with our rejuvenating massage specials! Treat her to an experience of relaxation and renewal as our skilled hands melt away tension and stress, leaving her feeling pampered and cherished. Because every mom deserves a moment of pure bliss. Book her special Mother's Day experience today! 1. Full Body Massage 60 min - R400.00 * Reduce muscle tension * Improve circulation * Reduce stress hormones * Improve mood 2. Facial Massage and Lymph Drainage Massage 45 min - R375.00 * Boost circulation * Drain toxins * Reduce puffiness * Reduce fatigue signs * Improve Immunity * FREE 6 min Rife Collagen Boost 3. Neck, Back,Shoulder Massage 45 min - R375.00 *Reduce tension * Improve circulation * Ease headaches * Reduce stiffness * Increase flexibility 4. Quantum Nutrition Scan 60 min - R400.00 - this checks your: * Vitamins, Minerals * BMI * Blood pH * Toxins, Heavy Metals, Allergies * Bone Health T's & C's Apply: * Your EFT secures your Booking * Treatments purchased are non-refundable * At least 24 hrs advance notice is required should you need to reschedule your treatment

Book your Healing Session in the month of May and receive a free remote session to help you sleep and integrate the recent eclipse energy and changes.