An Overview of Permanent Eyebrow Makeup

An Overview of Permanent Eyebrow Makeup
Permanent eyebrow makeup, also known as microblading or eyebrow tattooing, has gained popularity in South Africa as a semi-permanent solution for enhancing and defining eyebrows.

Permanent eyebrow makeup, also known as microblading or eyebrow tattooing, has gained popularity in South Africa as a semi-permanent solution for enhancing and defining eyebrows. This procedure is ideal for individuals with sparse or uneven eyebrows who desire a long-lasting solution for achieving fuller, more defined brows.


Permanent eyebrow makeup involves the use of a handheld tool with tiny needles to deposit pigment into the skin's surface, creating hair-like strokes that mimic natural eyebrow hairs. Before the procedure, the eyebrow shape and color are discussed with the client, taking into account factors such as facial features, skin tone, and personal preferences. Numbing cream is applied to the eyebrows to minimize discomfort during the procedure. The technician then carefully creates individual strokes to fill in sparse areas, define the eyebrow shape, and enhance overall symmetry. The entire process typically takes around one to two hours to complete, depending on the desired results.

Key Considerations:

  • Consultation: A thorough consultation is essential to discuss the client's expectations, desired brow shape, and any concerns or questions they may have about the procedure.
  • Technician Qualifications: It's crucial to choose a qualified and experienced technician who has received proper training in permanent makeup application. Certification and adherence to safety and hygiene standards are important factors to consider.
  • Color Matching: The technician will select a pigment color that closely matches the client's natural eyebrow color and complements their skin tone for a natural-looking result.
  • Healing Process: After the procedure, the eyebrows may appear darker or more intense initially but will gradually fade and soften as they heal. It's essential to follow the technician's aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing and long-lasting results.

Trends and Styles:

  • Natural-Looking Brows: The trend for natural-looking eyebrows remains popular, with microblading techniques focusing on creating realistic, hair-like strokes for a natural and effortless look.
  • Defined Arch: Many clients opt for a defined arch to enhance facial features and create a lifted and youthful appearance.
  • Ombre Brows: Ombre brows, which feature a soft gradient effect with darker pigment at the arch and lighter pigment towards the tail, are a popular choice for clients seeking a more dramatic and defined look.


Aftercare is crucial for ensuring proper healing and long-lasting results. Clients are advised to avoid wetting the eyebrows for the first few days after the procedure and to refrain from activities that may cause excessive sweating or irritation. It's essential to apply the recommended aftercare products provided by the technician and to avoid picking or scratching the eyebrows during the healing process. Follow-up appointments may be scheduled to assess the healed results and make any necessary touch-ups or adjustments.